BLEW THE FIRST OFFICIAL DEMO BLEW IS: Axel Litton: Guitars/Vocals/Drones Cory Jamison: Guitars/Feedback/Tweaks Justin Terry: Percussion/Justin of all trades We'd like to send special thanks out to: All the cool bands out there of any down tempo genre. Estil Trammel, for whipping ass, bitch. Keith Cowan for wearing his chaps. Kenneth Spradlin for not being a teacher. Michael Jordan, The NFL, Gibson guitars. The Reverend Terry Rice for listening to this. And the dead babies who allowed us to steal their badass grave lambs. We'd like to send massive hate out to: Djent, LMFAO, studio artists who compress their tone/music. The city of Shittsburg, along all who inhabit it and are fond of it. The Squeelers. Kenneth Spradlin. That guy from the Thou show that was a total asswipe. Hipsters. People who attended McCreary Central High School. Straigh Edge people, the derp duo, deathcore musicians, deathcore fans, Manastasia, skinny people (except you), You, us, everything, everyone (except you), YOU, and a whole bunch of people who we really couldn't be fucked to name. HAIL SATAN WORSHIP DOPE Recorded in Stearns, KY on Friday, Nov. 4th, 2011 Right Click And Save Target below to Save Each Track |
1. We Beheld the Human Embodiment of Pestilence |
2. Lucid Torment Coma |
3. Hatred Caravan |
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